Here is a link to the article which prompted this blog -
We hear reports from interviews with the rioters that the main reason that they rioted were because they feel like society doesn't recognise them, they are given no chances in society or that it was the police's fault for performing unfair stop and searches.

Could it not be that they were searching youths in the areas because these were the people likely to be rioting, or could it be that they thought that these people posed a threat.
Well i say this is complete rubbish. The riots were pure criminality and the way that the police dealt with these people during the riots was perfectly acceptable. I quite liked it when we heard statements like 'police tonight will be allowed to use what ever tactics they deem necessary to ensure the safety of the general public.' It is no less than we expected. During the riots we never heard support for the rioters from anyone but the rioters. we heard calls for rubber bullets and water cannons. Which were eventually listened to and perhaps were one of the major deterrents which eventually stopped the riots.
It is only ever after events such as these that we hear people piping up that we are 'oppressing youngsters', or 'we are not giving them a level playing field, we should listen them.'
No one should defend these riots. They were wrong. That is it. It was down to pure criminality and lack of respect for society. If they had an issue with the police as they all say, take it to the police. Don't run around cities looting. Which is what the majority of them did. The rioters just took this as an opportunity to get things they wanted.
I remember hearing reports that rioters were telling reporters that they were only taking what they needed, however, the items the reporters filmed these people carrying whilst giving these statements were 40' Televisions. I cant see a television as a necessity. Perhaps we could condone stealing food to eat as it is your only way to survive. But a TV? This is why I cant see that any of this behaviour can ever be explained by anything but criminality. A bunch of opportunists running around and ruining other peoples lives and livelihoods just to claim something that inst theirs.
This Ridiculous World
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