Monday, 5 December 2011

Youtube's New Design

YouTube home page
Every time a Major traffic site such as Facebook, or Google changes something everyone starts to complain. The latest of the changes was Youtube. Now honestly speaking I quite like the new design and layout of Youtube. It looks cleaner and snazzier. But why are all these people complaining? First of people were complaining about a few bugs which honestly were quite annoying like not being able to remove Video's from your play list. But the new layout really does achieve what Google & Youtube wanted it to achieve, and that is to open up new and interesting video's to a larger group of people. As Google put it the change is "focused on helping you discover a broader range of entertainment.''

Some of the changes they have made are actually quite useful. Such as being able to trend videos on Youtube rather than being forced to post them on Facebook or Twitter. And i believe what this good fellow believes Ian Maude, internet analyst at Enders Analysis."The trouble with the kind of instant reaction is that most of the people who post their comments are those with extreme reactions, and their yearning for the old design will probably dissipate as they get used to it."

So I say thank you for the change Youtube, and if you have not seen the new site layout then head over to and check it out.

This Ridiculous World

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more. Always love the changes that Facebook, Twitter and Google do.
