Friday, 2 December 2011

NUS and Student Politics

Okay this post is about the incredibly left wing world of student politics.

At the NUS national conference 2011 i felt extremely marginalized. by this i mean everyone else who spokes view seemed to be incredibly left wing. Now this honestly is for one reason. Left wing people by nature are more active and tend to argue for their points more hence running for their positions in their unions. But why is it believed widely that all students by nature are Left wing. I sat in the audience at this conference and was called 'Right wing scum' and a 'Tory millionare' now these are incredibly rude but also totally against the right wing views. Now these statements received cheers from the mass audience and applause.
I think this shows the wrong side of student politics. Well i think most of the world of student politics is wrong right now because of pure bigotry and complete lack of understanding of compromise.
But really how can an organization such as the NUS expect to be taken seriously as a political body fighting for the rights of other students when it has no representation from a proportion of the student body. No one should feel like they are a minority and can not have their voice aired which a student like myself actually feels in the conference with Hundreds of other students. I thought it was part of the NUS's statute that no member may be discriminated against because of beliefs, views or creed. And it is a blatant violation of this statute when I am member and delegate walked back from giving a speech on a Motion for Censure on Mark Bergfeld and was told i was a w****r, had the middle finger put up at me and had someone try to trip me. Now i realize that this happened in April and i am not one to hold a grudge (well i am) but this should not be accepted in any political forum. Which is what the NUS is. I just felt appalled by this... And this is what people view students as... firstly apparently we are all exclusively left wing, well that is wrong... here i am a right wing student. I am for the cuts! I am for £9000 tuition fees!

Now away from slating the NUS for being one sided and not listening to right wing views, All students around the world are always said to be against austerity well i think it is high time that people listened to the views of students like me and especially politicians.

This Ridiculous World

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